Massage Therapy for 5 Common Back Problems
Massage Therapy Benefits
Massage therapy can be an incredibly effective treatment to ease pain, repair problems and prevent further issues.
We put a lot of stress on our spine every single day and over time, structures can wear down, ligaments can overstretch, and discs can shift out of place. Back pain and spinal discomfort are common and result from a wide variety of conditions. Here are five of the most frequent back problems and how massage therapy can help…
Shifted Spinal Discs
Most bulging or herniated discs occur in the lower back. Not only can massage therapy help to strengthen the spine and shift the disc back into the correct location, but a skilled Massage Therapist can also educate on which maneuvers and positions might be hard on the spine. This type of care will make the area more stable and help you avoid unknowingly making the condition worse.
Muscle Spasm or Strain
If a muscle in your spine is strained or suffering from chronic spasms, it’s clear the muscle is not functioning optimally. In addition to easing discomfort, massage therapy can strengthen the muscle and help uncover any obstacles to peak function, such as posture problems, biomechanical misalignments or muscle fatigue.
The sciatic nerve runs all the way from your buttocks to your feet and can get pinched anywhere along the way, which often results in lower back pain. Massage therapy can help reduce that pain by soothing the tense muscles that are putting added pressure on your nerves.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition categorized by the narrowing of your spinal canal, which can compress key spinal nerves. Regular massage therapy sessions can keep the pain and discomfort at bay without surgery or prescription drugs. This type of treatment not only counters the deterioration that aging brings, but also has the potential of reversing the negative impact of spinal stenosis on your physical and emotional health.
Post-Surgical Pain
The spine is one of the most consistently active areas of the body, and massage therapy can be an effective option for post-op patients. Early massage therapy after a procedure helps to establish range of motion and prevents the onset of problematic scar tissue that can envelop nearby nerves or spinal structure… making for an easier, faster recovery.
Massage Therapy in St. Louis Park, MN
If you are suffering from chronic or newly developed back pain, contact our studio to set up an appointment with one of our skilled practitioners.